Saturday, September 27, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

J. Paul Getty, who created one of the world's greatest fortunes, said "I would rather make 1 percent on the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent on my own efforts." This very basic concept is the cornerstone of network marketing.

If you have looked around much on the Internet, regarding ACT Energy Drink Leads (DrinkACT leads), to build your DrinkACT business then you no doubt have taken heed to the concept of network marketing.

Selling is an art, without a doubt. Perhaps even a sport. It takes energy, guts, brains and a bit of panache to barge into people’s work days and win them over. It helps, of course, if they are already looking for your service or product. All of this in your pursuit to find good quality ACT Energy Drink Leads (DrinkACT leads).

So now you have decided to look for reputable ACT Energy Drink lead brokers will work with you to put together some truly awesome packages to help accelerate home-business growth and they will do so at a price that hardly seams real! They purchase millions of quality leads every month. Once they get them, they sell these leads at various levels and prices, depends on the number of times these leads were sold to others.

Curb your need for ACT Energy Drink Leads (DrinkACT leads) stop the insanity of your dependence on leads to build your DrinkACT business. Think smart, think savvy, think about this

99 percent of network marketing organizations are built with nothing but distributors (sales people) Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they are all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67 percent of your organization and none of them are making money. If they do not start making money soon they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers. They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together.

Successful online business network marketing consists of people building their business and doing it in an organized manner. By helping the people you personally sponsor to sponsor others. Equally important you need to find a company where you can purchase their customers. You need to be part of an elite team of like minded individuals all dedicated to your success. This yoked team of people all working together as one building each business within the team. Sound good?

Then you have found what you are looking for with the Network Marketing Paradigm Group, a team effort streaming new distributors into our system. Not with email but with Google white hat top organic (not pay per click either) search engine rankings. Everyone is delegated to help. The total team effort is building the down line and very quickly. But we are not dependent on distributors alone. We also have real customers!

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



  Network Marketing Leverage Personified

J. Paul Getty, who created one of the world's greatest fortunes, said "I would rather make 1 percent on the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent on my own efforts." This very basic concept is the cornerstone of network marketing.

First let's get some basic facts straight before we begin. Network marketing in simple terms is not a pyramid scheme, these types of scams are based on principals found in chain letters. People invest money on the promise others will put money in also and somehow it will all come back to them. This scam is not based on anything but money, not on a real business or rarely on a product. It's just money changing hands over and over again until someone goes to the bank with it all. Game Over!

Network marketing is based on providing people with real, legitimate products they need and want at a fair price. While some people do make a lot of money through network marketing, their financial benefit is always the result of their own efforts in building an organization that sells real products and services.

Network marketing isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. Yes, some people do make huge amounts of money over night, but for the average person it is a slow build. It takes a lot of due diligence in doing your homework finding just the right business to build. It will make or break the best entrepreneurs. Any smart potential business person knows to get beyond all the hype, know what you are about to involve yourself in. When all the whoop la is over, what are you left with?

Successful network marketing consists of people building their business and doing it in an organized manner. By helping the people you personally sponsor to sponsor others. Equally important you need to find a company where you can purchase their customers. You need to be part of an elite team of like minded individuals all dedicated to your success. This yoked team of people all working together as one building each business within the team. Sound good?

Then you have found what you are looking for with the Network Marketing Paradigm Group, a team effort streaming new distributors into our system. Not with email but with Google white hat top organic (not pay per click either) search engine rankings. Everyone is delegated to help. The total team effort is building the down line and very quickly. But we are not dependent on distributors alone. We also have real customers!

You won't believe how quickly our organization exploded when we started incorporating these strategies. Now you have truly found leverage in network marketing.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Friday, September 26, 2008

  ACT Energy Drink Leads

When it comes to your ACT Energy Drink (DrinkACT) business, nothing is as important as getting your name out there into the public eye. No matter how big or small your business is, you need to let people know just who you are. You need to share your values, along with your business principals. Are you someone they can trust? Or are you just another scam artist, waiting to take down yet another victim.

So let's talk a bit more in detail just how important it is to brand yourself in your search for ACT Energy Drink Leads (DrinkACT leads). The truth is if you have a brick and mortar business, you rely strongly on word of mouth adverting if you really wish to succeed. You can have all the money in the world to advertise, but if you are not what you say you are, it will not take long and you are done! That is a fact! The lies and deception will catch up with you fast. As the old adages goes "Bad news travels fast" and it sure does.

With that in mind, there is no difference in how to create an online presence in which to attract ACT Energy Drink leads (DrinkACT leads). There are many ruthless sharks out there taking advantage as they can hide deep within the net. They leave their bait all over and sit back and wait. It is just a matter of time before some unsuspecting person comes along, takes the bait and it is all over but the shouting. Thus you wonder why so many people are afraid of doing business online, it speaks for itself.

You need to be right out there telling all the world, literally, that you are a real person. Make sure your picture is out there along with your personal contact information. This is an important first step. Equally as important you need to be a person of your word, that your reputation precedes you. So how in the world does that make any difference, the net is so vast? Does any one really care who I am or what I stand for? Considering the fact there are millions of people on the Internet at any one time. Darn straight it matters. You do need to go the extra mile and take pride in who you are and what you represent. Believe me people do take notice.

Finding good quality ACT Energy Drink leads (DrinkACT leads)is all about building relationships, building on trust. Doesn't matter online or off.. Share your passion, your vision, your message. Be consistent, and as a fore mentioned, stand true. Before you know it - business will follow you and bring with it everything you need.

I personally invite you to stop by and learn more about how I personally work with a team of like minded entrepreneurs, as together we are learning countless aspects of network marketing under the guidance of today's cutting edge top professional leaders.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Thursday, September 25, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

You have heard about it, you now are ready to buy into the dream of owning your own DrinkACT Energy Drink business. You have done your due diligence in finding just the right one. You have been given a set of instructions on how to create your Drink ACT Energy drink business that will bring you the desires of your heart. Finally, the hope of financial freedom is just over the hill.

The Internet can be a very dark place, it is almost as vast and unlimited as the universe, making the prospect of getting your web site within your target market's radar seemingly impossible. Never give up, where there is a will, there is a way. The plain truth is you do not need to rely solely on paid advertising such as newspaper ads, pay per click, and you don't have to purchase expensive e-books on how to be effective in your network marketing campaigns. It just takes a little effort on your part along with doing a little research on your own in your search for ACT Energy Drink Leads.

So as step one in setting up shop for effective network marketing create a web site, and please do it without spending too much money. This is a good first start in generating up quality ACT Energy Drink Leads for your DrinkACT business. This is an important factor in how to create an DrinkACT Energy Drink business. If you do not know html where by you can build your own site, there are free templates all over the Internet, or if you just want to pay someone to build your site, do your homework and know all the facts before you sign on the dotted line. It is important to have a well layout web site, that the content within the site be user friendly, you need to express immediately upon arriving at your site that the visitor has come to the right place. Much in the same regards as a store front business, do you have a warm and friendly atmosphere? Are your products visible and appealing to the customer? Are you priced right? Can you navigate your site with ease and comfort, much like a person walking through your shop looking for just what they need?

As you begin to develop your web site offer valuable content, make sure you keep lots of spider food handy within your site, after all these little guys will bring all the traffic you need, if you treat them right. Content sprinkled with good keywords is what makes all the difference in the world. Tell people the benefits of why they need to do business with you, share your passion, be real and personable, meaning you are a real person, enclose your picture and contact information. To me it is like greeting customers and guests at your front door. Again all of this is very crucial to get ACT Energy Drink Leads for your DrinkACT Energy Drink business opportunity.

Be simple, to the point and again share your smile, let it warm up the dark, cold place called the Internet! Best of luck in developing ACT Energy Drink Leads for your DrinkACT business. Oh yeah, stop by and learn more about how I personally work with a team of like minded entrepreneurs, as together we are learning countless aspects of network marketing under the guidance of today's cutting edge top professional leaders. HINT HINT I buy customers, not leads!

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



 Network Marketing - Setting Up Shop 101

You have heard about it, you now are ready to buy into the dream of owning your own business. You have done your due diligence in finding just the right one. You have been given a set of instructions on how to create an online business that will bring you the desires of your heart. Finally, the hope of financial freedom is just over the hill.

The Internet can be a very dark place, it is almost as vast and unlimited as the universe, making the prospect of getting your web site within your target market's radar seemingly impossible. Never give up, where there is a will, there is a way. The plain truth is you do not need to rely solely on paid advertising such as newspaper ads, pay per click, and you don't have to purchase expensive e-books on how to be effective in your network marketing campaigns. It just takes a little effort on your part along with doing a little research on your own.

So as step one in setting up shop for effective network marketing create a web site, and please do it without spending too much money. If you do not know html where by you can build your own site, there are free templates all over the Internet, or if you just want to pay someone to build your site, do your homework and know all the facts before you sign on the dotted line. It is important to have a well layout web site, that the content within the site be user friendly, you need to express immediately upon arriving at your site that the visitor has come to the right place. Much in the same regards as a store front business, do you have a warm and friendly atmosphere? Are your products visible and appealing to the customer? Are you priced right? Can you navigate your site with ease and comfort, much like a person walking through your shop looking for just what they need?

Never forget the best site in the world, isn't worth a darn if you can't find it. Much along the lines when a real estate person says "it's location, location, location" we have all heard that phrase haven't we? So be sure you understand how search engine optimizations works. This is crucial and well worth the time it takes to understand the basics. You need to make friends with search engine spiders, have them over often and always aim to please. Good keywords target your market. Learn how to effectively use keywords to your benefit in your on going quest regarding network marketing.

As you begin to develop your web site offer valuable content, make sure you keep lots of spider food handy within your site, after all these little guys will bring all the traffic you need, if you treat them right. Content sprinkled with good keywords is what makes all the difference in the world. Tell people the benefits of why they need to do business with you, share your passion, be real and personable, meaning you are a real person, enclose your picture and contact information. To me it is like greeting customers and guests at your front door.

Be simple, to the point and again share your smile, let it warm up the dark, cold place called the Internet! Best of luck with all your network marketing endeavors. Oh yeah, stop by and learn more about how I personally work with a team of like minded entrepreneurs, as together we are learning countless aspects of network marketing under the guidance of today's cutting edge top professional leaders.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Wednesday, September 24, 2008

 How to Create an Online Business

"Home-based businesses are the trend of the future. Government and industry reports show that increasing numbers of men and women are now opting to work out of their homes. In fact, the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that 4.12 million entrepreneurs are now working at home, most of which are in services industry." According to a recent article by Lyve Alexis Pleshette PowerHomeBiz Staff Writer

So what has brought us to this point? Did you ever think the day would come where working at home would become the "norm" in the workplace today? I know I certainly did not, perhaps that statement alone most certainly dates me. Oh well!

So what are some of the benefits in learning how to create an online business? Well lets start with the fact all you need to do is get up, grab your favorite beverage and walk barefooted if you like to your office. You can come to work in your pajama's. You do not need to purchase an entire wardrobe for work. You have also eliminated the need to rush to your car or truck everyday hoping you can beat the rush hour traffic. Not to mention the sheer fact you are saving fuel at around $4.17 a gallon. It's not only a savings to your pocketbook, but to our environment. Yet another vehicle off the road at least during the time it would have taken you to get to work.

You have freedom of time as you make your own hours. A work at home situation is ideal. This is especially helpful these days to mothers. Traditionally, if your child woke up sick in the morning you had to make a crucial decision immediately. Is my child sick enough that I need to risk my job and stay home? Many times mothers simply have no other choice other than to make their children attend school sick, as babysitting becomes an immediate issue.

Let's discuss the importance of tax benefits. This is HUGE, working at home has so many tax advantages from your mortgage down to the paper you bought at the office supply store. Be sure you talk to your accountant for every little detail made available to you. Plan ahead yearly and know your options. Oh and if you do not already have an accountant, I strongly suggest you get one. It is definitely worth the extra expense in the savings you will gain in your tax return yearly. These facts and many others are the reason more and more people are looking into how to create an online business. Not only to you, but to your entire family. Just think you will have more time to enjoy life. You will find your hours spent working are more productive, thus eliminating wasted time and effort. Oh yeah, soon you will no longer miss all that back stabbing gossip you used to be exposed to daily in the workplace.

So make the decision to create an online business, you will be glad you did.

There are many home based business opportunities readily available. You just have to find what works best for you. It is important to work with a good solid company that is reputable and trustworthy. Know all the terms and policies regarding any home based business opportunities that you look into.

If you would like to find out more information go to:

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Network Marketing - A Stealer of Dreams?

Network Marketing started out with a good idea, a plan so to speak. The goal of marketing your business online was to be able to reach out and make contact with people from all over the world. A means you could have never achieved offline. However, like all good ideas, time brought forth a new evolution. This new wave has brought literally millions and millions to financial ruin.

All too often I have heard story after story from people who's hopes and dreams have been dashed at an expensive cost. Retirement funds depleted, credit cards maxed out, and debt at a time when financial stability in the market place is teetering on recession. All of this as the result of buying into a dream. A hope or a chance for a better way of life.

The key to any good business online or off is to obtain customer market share. This is the heart of Network Marketing Paradigm Group, wealth creation and long term residual income. The group works in unison as one yet separated into categories of SEO lead generation, Blogging, Press release and Sales. Each individual who joins Network Marketing Paradigm group gets to excel at what they do best but receives the benefits of others talents in their field of expertise and passion. The group teaches its members to become leaders thus gaining confidence and excelling not only in total and complete success for their individual business The Ultimate Team also trains their people to become complete marketers and business entrepreneurs by providing information on how to properly use search engine optimization to help each member grow their future. No one is left behind. We all have found success.

What this means is you don't have to do it all. You do not need to rely on distributors and buying leads to build a successful business. Nor do have to find people just exactly like you. Thus duplication, which we all know, doesn't work. See for yourself why delegation coupled with a rock solid business model based on purchasing customers not leads has created financially sound, walk away incomes in record time.

No more are your hopes dashed, your credit cards maxed out or your retirement gone. Take a moment and learn why Network Marketing Paradigm Group is changing the way people do business on the Internet and off.

If you would like to find out more information go to:

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



ACT Energy Drink Leads

ACT Energy Drink Leads is the perfect way to build your DrinkACT business. Finding the best ACT Energy Drink leads for DrinkACT can be the tough part. If you are looking to grow your DrinkACT business opportunity you need good leads to talk to. Anyone building a business knows this. It can become totally insane trying to figure out which kind of lead to buy. Many new business owners have no choice but to purchase ACT Energy Drink leads based on what the company suggests. Otherwise, they are left to figure out where to go online to buy leads. Obviously, since you found this article you have seen the massive amount of lead companies there are there on the Internet.

All these ACT Energy Drink Leads companies not only cater to your DrinkACT business, but they cater to any other MLM company that needs leads. Do you ever wonder, where are all these leads are coming from? Just stop and think of all the lead companies out there, have all these leads to sell, are there really that many people looking for a home based business? Somehow, I think not.

If you also are tired of searching the Internet for ACT Energy Drink Leads, wondering if you should purchase real time leads, phone interviewed leads, female leads, male leads, opt in leads, opt out leads, phone prospecting leads, local leads, e-mail leads, yada, yada, yada give yourself a break. STOP THE INSANITY. Stop buying leads...If you need leads quit buying them. There are other ways to find quality people to talk too.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Business Profitability Goal

When you set out to start a business, you might set a goal to "make money." This is rather shortsighted in today's competitive marketplace. A real business profitability goal is needed.

The question comes up, what is a business profitability goal? How do you go about setting up a business profitability goal?

What is a realistic business profitability goal? This may differ from business to business and from market to market, but there are some general rules that should be followed. The first and most important is to establish a realistic and detailed profitability goal from the very beginning.

Sounds good, but again how is the best way to go about this task?

A comprehensive business plan is the best way to start any business. Not only does it provide a guideline for the entrepreneur, but it is also going to come in handy when he is out seeking start up financing.

Even if this start up financing is coming from your own savings, you need a business profitability goal.

Any financial lending institution is going to want to see a good comprehensive business plan with a clearly defined profitability goal before they make a business loan. They clearly understand that cash flow is not the same as profit and will not be as interested in the large amounts of cash that is expected to be generated as they will be in the bottom line profit. The lending institution understands the importance of profit in the sustainability of a business.

A good business plan that has established a realistic business profitability goal will make maximum use of every available business resource. Business resources come in many forms. Depending on the type of business your thinking about would determine where the resource would come from.

Another important element of a profitability goal is good and accurate reporting. A goal is considered to be a point in the future toward which your efforts are being directed. Business reports are like roadmaps showing if you are at least going in the right direction. The very nature of a profitability goal assumes that you will not reach it at once. If you see that you are falling short, it is the time to make adjustments to your operations and budgeting to get back on track.

Business is a complicated thing in this modern era. The opportunities that exist are mind boggling as we move closer and closer to a Global market place. At the same time, the importance of knowledge and data has never been greater to remain competitive. Even the smallest business needs a profitability goal that is realistic and can be monitored and adjusted as needed.

That is one reason a home based business is so attractive to many today. Even in a home based business it is important to set a business profitability goal. Remember you must monitor your business profitability goal and be willing to be flexible and adjust as needed.

For more information

Jerry Snyder SEO Consultant
Team Leader

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Computing Business Profitability

If your contemplating starting a business or if you are the owner of a business, it is important you should understand the importance of computing business profitability.

With any business, no matter what goods or service is being provided, it is very important that the owner understand the business side of the business. The purpose of your company, business is to generate a profit.

Fixed Versus Variable Expenses

When computing business profitability, you will notice that your business has many different expenses. Some of these expenses are fixed and others are variable. Fixed expenses are expenses that you must pay no matter how much product you make. This is something you pay even if you do not open up your business for the month. Examples of fixed expenses are rent, employee expenses, and some utility costs.

Variable expenses are expenses associated with creating additional product.. You only have this expense if you produce an additional product. It is important in computing business profitability, that you make sure that you are at a minimum covering your variable expenses. If you are not covering your variable expenses, then you are losing money with each unit you produce. Revenue versus Profit

Many people think that profit is the money a business brings in. This is not true. The total money brought in by the business is called revenue and this is different from profit. For example, if you sell an item for $100, you have $100 of revenue. To get to profit, you need to subtract the expenses out. For that $100 product, it may have cost $50 to make, there could have been additional overhead costs of $10, and employee expenses of $5 associated with that product. That would mean that there was $65 of expenses associated with that one product. So out of that $100 of revenue from the one product, you will make $35 of profit.

As you can see, it is important to set your business goals to make a profit, not just make revenue. This is the importance of computing business profitability. You need to make sure that your business brings in enough money to not only cover the expenses but make sure that there is something extra so that you can take some money out of the business.

Get Professional Help

Computing business profitability can be a tall order, especially for a small business owner. You should hire a competent accountant or attorney to help you with your analysis. There are many profitability ratios that can be used to show the health of your business.

The More You Know

The more you know about the profitability of your business, the better off you will be. It is important that you stay up to date regarding the financial health of your business. You should constantly be computing your business liability and making any necessary changes.

Business Model

There are all kinds of business models. One of the Best is buying customers. How do you do this? Why is this a good thing?

Visit our site today to learn of the best business on Google today and what we stand for.

Jerry Snyder SEO Consultant
Team Leader

Network Marketing - Simple Ideas for Marketing Your Business

Are you looking for some simple easy effective ideas for Network Marketing your business. If anyone ever tell that marketing a business is cheap or doesn't cost you a dime is so full of whipped Kentucky. Or in other words, not telling you straight. No offense to those of you in Kentucky. The point is this; you can supplement your network marketing endeavors with a few quick easy tips that are easy but effective. These network marketing communication tips will keep you visible with your target market.

First one being voice mail - you can personalize your greeting to carry out just the right kind of message to catch any perspective’s attention. Say for example you had a business that caters to creating and shipping gift baskets. You could say something like: Thanks for calling, and your company name, how about giving someone you care about a big hug today by showing them how much you care? Or how about making someone smile, with a beautiful gift basket of their favorite things. Keep your message short and simple, but to the point.

Second network marketing idea would be business cards, it has often been said a business card is your personal handshake, a view into your business both online and off. Make sure you have all your pertinent information clear and right there. Do not clutter your card with to much information. Make use of the back of your card, give away something special and be sure you ask the viewer of your card to do something. Let's you know your business cards are effective.

Another great way to achieve targeted network marketing is with social networks. I recently joined Tagged, I have a Myspace account, Facebook, Yahoo 360 and may others. Not only do you make wonderful online contacts, you can openly advertise your business to all who view your profile. But you really can make some wonderful online friendships. I know I have several, and I have known them for years now.

Make sure you always stay in touch with everyone in your customer base. Keep them abreast of what is going on in your life, just a simple oh my daughter graduated from high school last week, or we have a new family pet, things of this nature. Not that the neighbor's teenage son strung toilet paper all over your tree. Keep it simple and personal, people really do like to know they are doing business with someone real. Network marketing is about helping others in my mind. You are trying to reach out and share your business to others. Not everyone will obviously be interested in what you are doing, but then again, you will find some that are.

In your pursuit in network marketing don't forget about press releases, there are many no cost and low cost news release distribution services. You can write about a new product or service you are offering or an industry trend others may find useful. Get creative and keep it newsworthy. Using this marketing tool will increase your visibility on the Internet.

Last but not least, along the lines of press releases, don't over look blogging. Everyone is catching this wave. It is a super way to be personal and unedited while you share with the world just what it is that you do for a living. Check out and Word Press. com both are excellent ways to express your inner most network marketing desires.

Keeping it simple is easy to do, if you're armed with some of the available low-cost tools that will help you make the most of your network marketing plan! For more information please visit

Here's to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



ACT Energy Drink Leads

Most lead companies in order to generate highly targeted and qualified real-time interviewed leads at the most competitive prices, revolutionized the industry when they introduced Interviewed Home Business Leads. Now some lead companies have taken that a step further and taken the industry by storm with the introduction of company specific real-time interviewed leads.

When you talk about real-time interviewed leads, the most targeted leads, they are in fact just that. Real-time home business prospects express an interest in starting their own home business in one of the following industries: Health & Nutrition, Dental, Legal, Internet Business, and Other. So if you are a ACT Energy Drink member you can now specifically order ACT Energy Drink leads, that are real time interviewed leads.

Other lead companies offer their customers the ability to send a customized autoresponder message to prospects. When you purchase these customized autoresponder messages you can promptly send these messages and delivered to your ACT Energy Drink Lead within seconds of them expressing an interest in home business. These autoresponders are a superior prospecting solution with the ability to deliver an email message to a prospect's inbox rather than junk/bulk mail folder. It is yet another avenue to look into when you purchase real time interviewed leads for you ACT Energy Drink business.

So take your time as you navigate the world of purchasing leads, know and understand your options completely before you buy. Your business is far too value not too.

I personally have purchased a whole lot of leads in the past, even though I found some great lead companies to work with, could afford the price within my initial business budget, I still came up empty handed, as my business never grew. I never could make any money building a business based on finding or purchasing leads.

99 percent of network marketing organizations are built with nothing but distributors (sales people). Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they're all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example: When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67 percent of your organization and none of them are making money. If they don't start making money soon, they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers! They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together.

You haven’t had success in network marketing until you’ve been in the Ultimate Sponsoring program that pays from the bottom up with perpetual compression. It’s a total win-win for everyone involved.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Friday, September 19, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

ACT Energy Drink is a breakthrough energy drink that generates a super charged nutrient uptake into your body's cells within 10-15 minutes! As a result you will experience the healthy, full body revitalization that only Drink ACT can deliver for hours at a time Whether its morning, afternoon, or night, ACT Energy Drink will lead you up to keep you on the go. Experience for yourself what consumers around the world are calling The Feel Good Drink.

Simple Business Plan with great compensation. All you have to do is hand someone a sample, tell them to drink it, and then call them back in about an hour. Everyone wants more energy. The Product does all of the talking for you. The sky is the limit with the pay plan, you decide how much you want to make per week whether if be $500 or $5,000. The Choice is yours. Now you need to find ACT Energy Drink Leads.

How will you find these ACT Energy Drink leads? Will you pick up the phone book and make cold calls, go through your high school year book and find old friends to call to share this opportunity with? How about developing an email list and sending out emails about your business?

Or you can simply not purchase ACT Energy drink leads, you can learn more about a company that buys customers NOT leads.

Work smart, work savvy, I work with a team of like minded individuals all dedicated and committed to the success of each and every member of the team. We invite you to join us as together we are the Ultimate Team. Ultimate teamwork just works!

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan - Ultimate by Design
Proud Member of The Ultimate Team
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Thursday, September 18, 2008

Home Business Profitability

Home business profitability opportunity is no different than any other brick and mortar business profitability opportunity in terms of what you need for a successful brick and mortar profitability, or a home business profitability. The only difference your storefront is your home or if you are creating a business on your computer screen if your home based home business profitability is online. Working online is one of the most cost effective ways to become a home business owner. With relatively no overhead and minimal set up costs you can be a home based home business profitability owner in minutes. Focus your time and energy on creating a customer base and you will have a successful home based home business.

Here's something to think about before you make a decision to take advantage of a home based business profitability opportunity, ask yourself one very important question. Do you have what it takes to operate a home based business ? It may sound like a simple question but in reality it is a very complex question. You need to understand at the start of your journey that it will be difficult and challenging. Too many people think it will just be easy and the cash will roll in.

The answer to this question is not a simple yea or no. You have to give consideration to a number of very important aspects before you make a final decision. Many people dream of having their own home based business profitability where they are in control of all areas of operating the home business profitability. But you have to know if you are the type of person that can be in charge and actually get things done.

Any home based business profitability opportunity requires much personal dedication. If you are the type of person that has lots of energy and enjoys keeping busy with your time then I suggest that you give a home business profitability opportunity serious consideration. However, if you are the type of person that really enjoys relaxing and just kicking back after a days work I'd suggest that maybe a home based business opportunity may not be a good choice for you. Why? Because it will take most of your free time to develop and build your home business profitability. Don't believe those that would have you think it only takes a few minutes a day and you'll be a great success.

Having a home based business profitability opportunity is not for everyone. We all like to think that it is for us but that is simply not the case. Far too many home business profitability opportunities lead you to believe that the amount of work involved is very minimal. The fact is that it takes lots of time and if you don't have time, or you are too tired to make the time, then save yourself lots of problems and don't start a home business.

However, if you feel that you can make that personal commitment then get involved. Now! It will be one of the best decisions you will ever make. A home based business profitability opportunity can change your life and the possibility of great success is a reality. If you can make the commitment needed to be successful you will be glad you made the decision.

Buy Customers Not Leads

Jerry Snyder SEO Consultant
The Ultimate Business
Golf Tips and Tricks
Talk About Weight Loss

Saturday, September 13, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

So what are some of the benefits to a online business opportunity? Well lets start with the fact all you need to do is get up, grab your favorite beverage and walk barefooted if you like to your office. You can come to work in your pajama's. You do not need to purchase an entire wardrobe for work. You have also eliminated the need to rush to your car or truck everyday hoping you can beat the rush hour traffic. Not to mention the sheer fact you are saving fuel at around $3.89 a gallon. It is not only a savings to your pocketbook, but to our environment. Yet another vehicle off the road at least during the time it would have taken you to get to work.

DrinkACT ACT Energy Drink is a web-based energy drink company founded in June 2005 by Paul Gravette and Mark McKnight. Combining experience and a proven track record with direct marketing, Paul Gravette developed the DrinkACT concept to combine the power and technology of the Internet with an intense and proven word-of-mouth marketing strategy. DrinkACT is a quickly-developing energy drink giant. DrinkACT is well on its way to changing the landscape of how consumers not only choose what energy drinks they buy, but also how they buy them. DrinkACT is also re-defining customer loyalty by allowing those customers to become Dealers, and for the first time, participate in the $93 billion a year beverage industry. ACT Energy drink is the leading healthy energy drink being sold through a social network of like-minded individuals working from the comfort of their own homes, and have sold over 65 MILLION drinks and counting.

So now begins the task of building your ACT Energy Drink company DrinkACT business. Will you need leads to build your business, once you have contacted your warm market. So what exactly are ACT Energy Drink leads? Maybe we should start out what are the various types of leads available to build your ACT Energy Drink business.

Let us start with a phone interviewed ACT Energy Drink Leads these are custom generated to suit you and your group's business needs. Leads of this type are typically around $6 to $12 per lead however you can get discount group rates if you so desire. You simply need to shop around to various lead companies. Or ask for a referral from other business affiliates.

Each phone interviewed ACT Energy Drink Lead is generated using a custom script. Generally lead companies use their own in house telemarketers that personally contact each prospect precisely asking questions that prequalify the prospect into various categories. Thus determining right on the spot whether or not that prospect would make a good business opportunity prospect.

The prospect is then further questioned as to how much money you would be willing to invest in a home based business. How much time would you be willing to spend building a business? What type of a home based business are you looking for?

So from this point on this prospect has now become a very expensive prime ACT Energy Drink lead and will be sold accordingly. This DrinkACT lead will have provided their name, valid phone number and email address. This particular type of lead NEEDS to be called right away.

My question now becomes to you as a business affiliate can you afford to pay for this quality ACT Energy Drink lead? How many can you honestly afford to purchase in your monthly business budget. What is the ratio to ACT Energy Drink lead purchase vs. actual sign ups?

You need to do the math and find out what works best for you. I personally do not purchase leads of any kind. Nor do I call people cold from the phone book. I do not bother my friends and neighbors with my business, in essence begging them to join. I simply purchase happy customers that are already purchasing products. Plain and simple!

If you too would like to learn about Ultimate teamwork and synergy as one. Together building a business that will last a lifetime. Then you need to take a look and see for yourself.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan - Ultimate by Design
Proud Member of The Ultimate Team
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Friday, September 12, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

A.C.T. stands for Advanced Cellular Technology. ACT Energy Drink contains all natural ingredients, contains low sugar, low carbs and has 24 calories per serving. It gives a healthy energy boost and is the perfect drink for people looking to lose weight. There are no jitters, anxious feelings, or jolt and crash.

Sound good to you? Let us take a further look at this company and how to build your ACT Energy Drink business. First of all you need ACT Energy Drink leads to talk too regarding your business. Since ACT Energy Drink is a Internet driven home based business you need an online presence to generate leads. You need a ACT Energy Drink web site to share your business opportunity with the world. Once you have this web site be sure to share it with all your friends and family. You will need to make the investment in business cards including your site, name and phone number for all to see. But how will you distribute those cards? You need volume daily to visit your site. Perhaps you can hire an SEO expert to help you gain good search engine ranking. But where do you get started in finding a good one? Do you have that kind of money to invest in your business?

Additionally in your pursuit of promotion and marketing what else can you do to get people to sign up in your ACT Energy Drink business, both online or off, do you have enough ACT Energy Drink leads to speak to. Should you buy some ACT Energy Drink leads? What kind of ACT Energy Drink leads should you buy? What do you say to them, how can you get them to your web site so that they sign up? More importantly will these new people duplicate your process?

The reason why 99 percent of MLM opportunities fall apart from distributor attrition or "fall out" is because 99 percent of MLM companies are all DISTRIBUTORS not CUSTOMERS.

Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they're all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67% of your organization and none of them are making money. If they don't start making money soon, they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers! They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together.


I do not buy leads, I buy customers. The Ultimate Team sponsoring system is making history. The fact we are breaking records in our growth. The Ultimate Team leaves no one behind. It is all for one and one for all.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan - Ultimate by Design
Proud Member of The Ultimate Team
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Thursday, September 11, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

If you have looked around much on the Internet, regarding work from home opportunities, then you surely have come across phrases such as Make Thousands of Dollars Working From Home! or Earn $5000 for Fifteen Minutes A Day! These ads, to say the least, can bring a smile to anyone's face that is looking for a way to solve their financial problems overnight!

Selling is an art, without a doubt. Perhaps even a sport. It takes energy, guts, brains and a bit of panache to barge into people’s work days and win them over. It helps, of course, if they are already looking for your service or product. You need ACT Energy Drink Leads.

Reputable ACT Energy Drink leads brokers will work with you to put together some truly awesome packages to help accelerate home-business growth and they will do so at a price that hardly seams real! They purchase millions of quality leads every month. Once they get them, they sell these leads at various levels and prices, depends on the number of times these leads were sold to others.


99 percent of network marketing organizations are built with nothing but distributors (sales people) Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they are all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67 percent of your organization and none of them are making money. If they do not start making money soon they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers. They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together. You need ACT Energy Drink leads.

I do not buy leads, I buy customers. The Ultimate Team sponsoring system is making history. The fact we are breaking records in our growth. The Ultimate Team leaves no one behind. It is all for one and one for all.

If you too would like to learn about Ultimate teamwork and synergy as one. Together building a business that will last a lifetime. Then you need to take a look and see for yourself.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan - Ultimate by Design
Proud Member of The Ultimate Team
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Monday, September 8, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

ACT Energy drink is the leading healthy energy drink being sold through a social network of like-minded individuals working from the comfort of their own homes. Selling over 65 MILLION drinks and counting within the first 30 months.

ACT Energy Drink actually COSTS LESS - ACT Energy Drink is the lowest costing energy drink on the market. The packets are only $1 each and the cans are $1.45 each. The average energy drink out their sells between $2.50-$3.00 so we are at least $1 cheaper than any other energy drink out there and we are the ONLY all natural energy drink on the market

Earn Immediate and Long-Term Residual

Reputable ACT Energy Drink lead brokers will work with you to put together some truly awesome packages to help accelerate home-business growth and they will do so at a price that hardly seams real! They purchase millions of quality leads every month. Once they get them, they sell these leads at various levels and prices, depends on the number of times these leads were sold to others.

Let's start with a phone interviewed ACT Energy Drink lead these are custom generated to suit you and your group's business needs. Leads of this type are typically around $6 to $12 per lead however you can get discount group rates if you so desire. You simply need to shop around to various lead companies. Or ask for a referral from other business affiliates

The prospect is then further questioned as to how much money you would be willing to invest in a home based business. How much time would you be willing to spend building a business? What type of a home based business are you looking for?

So from this point on this prospect has now become a very expensive prime ACT Energy Drink lead and will be sold accordingly. This DrinkACT lead will have provided their name, valid phone number and email address. This particular type of lead NEEDS to be called right away.

My question now becomes to you as a business affiliate can you afford to pay for this quality ACT Energy Drink lead? How many can you honestly afford to purchase in your monthly business budget. What is the ratio to ACT Energy Drink lead purchase vs. actual sign ups?

You need to do the math and find out what works best for you. I personally do not purchase leads of any kind. Nor do I call people cold from the phone book. I do not bother my friends and neighbors with my business, in essence begging them to join. I simply purchase happy customers that are already purchasing products. Plain and simple!

If you too would like to learn about Ultimate teamwork and synergy as one. Together building a business that will last a lifetime. Then you need to take a look and see for yourself.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan - Ultimate by Design
Proud Member of The Ultimate Team
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Friday, September 5, 2008

 ACT Energy Drink Leads

So you have an online ACT Energy Drink business, and you know that just getting traffic to your site isn't enough to make a sale. You need to know the conversation rate for your visitors. If you have hundreds of visitors and only one sale, is it worth it? You also need to factor in exactly how much you are in fact making off one single sale, vs. the cost to drive that traffic to your site for that one sale. After all are you going out of business or is your business strong?

Exactly what is it costing you to advertise your ACT Energy Drink (DrinkACT) business? In essence what exactly are you paying for one ACT Energy Drink lead? You really need to think about this often overlooked aspect of your business. It important to think about the advertising aspect of your business. The company provides you with a fully functional web site, that enables you to sign up customers and/or distributors.

Whether or not you understand how to harness and use SEO (search engine optimization)or you use pay per click, you need to do the math and find out if the cost of advertising is producing a profit when you do in fact find a customer and/or distributor. It is the cost of doing business. It is a numbers game, because let's face it, even though you sign up a ACT Energy Drink lead into a new distributor, doesn't mean that distributor will be as successful as you.

99 percent of network marketing organizations are built with nothing but distributors (sales people). Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they're all in competition with each other for more distributors. (ACT Energy Drink Leads) Example: When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67 percent of your organization and none of them are making money. If they don't start making money soon, they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers! They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together.

You need to do the math and find out what works best for you. I personally do not purchase leads of any kind. Nor do I call people cold from the phone book. I do not bother my friends and neighbors with my business, in essence begging them to join. I simply purchase happy customers that are already purchasing products. Plain and simple!

If you too would like to learn about Ultimate teamwork and synergy as one. Together building a business that will last a lifetime. Then you need to take a look and see for yourself.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan - Ultimate by Design
Proud Member of The Ultimate Team
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Thursday, September 4, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

So you want to start a ACT Energy Drink (DrinkACT)home based business. The decision has been made to stop the insanity of waking to the alarm clocks warning, getting dressed, flying out the door to try and beat the morning traffic jam ritual. Yikes! Would it not just be nice to wake up knowing you can commute to work in your slippers? You do not have to brush your teeth, or your hair. Take your time in the morning, enjoy your favorite beverage, which by the way should be a ACT Energy Drink.

No other company gives you this opportunity! ACT Energy Drink (DrinkACT)is also attracting individual bar/restaurant owners and many other single locations like - Some great places to find ACT Energy Drink leads to super charge your ACT Energy Drink business.

Personal Trainers
Tanning Salons
Beauty Shops
Nail Salons
Business Offices
Cycling Clubs
Golf Clubs
Lunch Trucks
You name it The sky is the limit

It would be a very good idea to look into purchasing the product at wholesale price as a distributor, so that you can get the product out there to your possible ACT Energy Drink leads (DrinkACT). A good idea to have plenty of product on hand, as you just never know. There are many different places and as well as people to talk to about your business.

I know that ACT Energy Drink is a great company, I am sure they have a great product. The problem is and I am not alone in this. I am tired of buying up product in bulk, even at wholesale pricing. I am tired of running all over town, going door step to door step trying to find quality ACT Energy Drink leads, giving away free samples. I love people, and I sure do not have a problem in talking to them. But you know what? Not everyone feels that way. In fact if the truth were told, many people would love to be in business, they just can not seem to find any financial success based on one simple fact. In this business and many other businesses based on this same business model, have one fatal flaw...It is based on duplication.

99 percent of network marketing organizations are built with nothing but distributors (sales people). Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they're all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example: When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67 percent of your organization and none of them are making money. If they don't start making money soon, they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers! They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together.

I do not mean to be brutal or discredit any business endeavor you are personally involved with that has brought you to do a search on Google for ACT Energy Drink Leads. I just know, I personally do not buy leads at all. Been there done that. Buying leads is a total waste of your time. Why try and build a business buying leads?

Perhaps it is time to consider a different approach to building a business

1) Buy customers to give your business a solid foundation
2) Learn how to work with a successful team of like minded individuals

Work as part of a powerful team called The Ultimate Team. Together we work with a proven Ultimate Sponsoring System unlike anything else ever before seen before. It is a simple plan of Ultimate Teamwork ultimately creating rock solid walk away incomes for all its members. No one is left behind.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan - Ultimate by Design
Proud Member of The Ultimate Team
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sunrider Leads

There are many direct selling and multilevel compensation plans available such as binary systems and straight systems. However, Sunrider compensation plan is unique and superior in several important ways, so is Sunrider Leads.
How is Sunrider compensation plan different?

Sunrider leads with a global compensation plan so you can do business in over 42 countries. This allows you to make money around the clock. Sunrider can pay you three times a month, but you only need to qualify once a month. Most plans which pay you weekly also require you to qualify weekly. If you don't work to qualify that week, you don't get paid! In Sunrider, many IBOs earn a stable residual income so they can take a long vacation or do philanthropic work without worrying about their next paycheck.

Don't take my word for it go do a Google search for Leads, or Sunrider Leads. Check out the thousands of pages and you will get my point.

Certificate from the Pediatric Therapy Network

Sunrider received this certificate from the Pediatric Therapy Network for its continued support of this local non-profit therapy center dedicated to providing quality services for children with special needs. Services for these children include enhancing capabilities and fostering independence through innovative therapeutic programs and developing and promoting opportunities for full participation in community-based programs.

"Regeneration" is the principle that is behind all of Sunrider's foods and products regenerating life within our bodies. It is giving life at the celllar level so those cells, "that have over 600 functions" can regenerate or become stronger and stronger rather than degenerating and becoming weaker and weaker. Every year 89% of our body is new! The question is - will our body be stronger or weaker just one year from now? That depends on what kind of foods we are giving our body - regenerative or degenerative foods. Sunrider foods are regenerative! They give life to the body so that it is able to overcome its own weaknesses and health challenges naturally, creating abundant vitality. Our food should be our medicine!
With proper nourishment, the human body has the power to heal and regulate itself, maintain optimum health and achieve peak performance."

The early Chinese doctors believed that instead of taking medicine to help cure a health problem, one should instead eat the proper herbs to prevent the body from ever getting sick. The Chinese doctor was paid to keep his patients well and if they became ill, payment ceased until he got his patients well again-at his own expense.

While the Sunrider foods and products are regenerating your physical health, the residual income provided through the Sunrider financial opportunity can also regenerate your financial health. It's a winning combination!

Make money with Sunrider while you sleep.

Sunrider Independent Business Owners can or will earn through participation in the Sunrider Compensation Plan. As with any other independent business, success results only from dedicated sales efforts, hard work, diligence, and leadership.

Ok so now that you are a Sunrider IBO, how are you going to promote your new Sunrider business? Many have been taught to go to their warm market (family and friends, fellow workers, people you do business with, Banker, Grocer, hair stylist ect.), And then to Free or Paid advertising. Others just tell you to buy Sunrider leads. Leads are expensive, they not only exact a toll on your bank book, they exact a toll on your most valuable asset, time.

Trying to contact a lead is very, very time consuming. Why bother? Just Buy Customers. It is much easier and will build your business much faster.

If you do a Google search for Sunrider leads, you will find there are a lot of lead brokers, some are obviously better that others, but the fact remains it is very expensive to buy leads. Why not buy customers

Buy Customers Not Leads

If you would like to learn more about buying customers, just fill in the contact form and come to our meetings on Saturday afternoons. You will learn the right approach to building your business on the net.

Jerry Snyder SEO Consultant
Skype me
Email Me

Monday, September 1, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

Okay, you've finally had it at your nine to five (JOB) AKA Just above broke. Your boss isn't seeing eye-to-eye with you lately, they're pushing you to do more than you can reasonably do in eight hours and you're tired of having to put up with the whole mess. Not to mention all of the office politics, sick of all the gossip and everything else that goes on at work.

So you have decided to build an DrinkACT ACT Energy Drink Business, what do you need to get started in this endeavor? You need a ultimate powerful system of leads, fresh ACT Energy Drink DrinkACT leads, delivered daily. It is a numbers game, so the more the merrier, the better your success. You need that database of leads to receive your auto responder emails with professionally written letters encouraging these potential distributors to go to your ACT Energy Drink leads DrinkACT web site so that they can sign up into your business. It would be a very good idea if you really want to build your business to purchase these leads on a monthly basis, for ultimate success.

I personally do not buy ACT Energy Drink leads, been there done that my friend, and I am here to tell you there is a better way. We are in the 22nd century, and a new day is dawning in the way business is done!

What works is teamwork, teamwork coupled with a prestigious marketing system equals success. The Ultimate Team is a combined effort bringing in new affiliates into the system. This method of finding affiliates is not done with spam email, but with white hat top organic search engine ranking. This method of top ranking is done with delegation not duplication. Together, The Ultimate Team works in unison, building the down line and very quickly within the team. We are not dependent on distributors alone, we also have real customers, enjoying outstanding products and service.

What if every distributor had 100 real customers? "What if those customers loved the product and didn't care about earning nor were involved in making money? What if instead of buying leads (Like 99% of the MLMs will tell you to do) you could just buy customers instead? I think you can see the advantage this represents!

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan - Ultimate by Design
Proud Member of The Ultimate Team
Skype Me kimzinbiz