Thursday, September 25, 2008

 Network Marketing - Setting Up Shop 101

You have heard about it, you now are ready to buy into the dream of owning your own business. You have done your due diligence in finding just the right one. You have been given a set of instructions on how to create an online business that will bring you the desires of your heart. Finally, the hope of financial freedom is just over the hill.

The Internet can be a very dark place, it is almost as vast and unlimited as the universe, making the prospect of getting your web site within your target market's radar seemingly impossible. Never give up, where there is a will, there is a way. The plain truth is you do not need to rely solely on paid advertising such as newspaper ads, pay per click, and you don't have to purchase expensive e-books on how to be effective in your network marketing campaigns. It just takes a little effort on your part along with doing a little research on your own.

So as step one in setting up shop for effective network marketing create a web site, and please do it without spending too much money. If you do not know html where by you can build your own site, there are free templates all over the Internet, or if you just want to pay someone to build your site, do your homework and know all the facts before you sign on the dotted line. It is important to have a well layout web site, that the content within the site be user friendly, you need to express immediately upon arriving at your site that the visitor has come to the right place. Much in the same regards as a store front business, do you have a warm and friendly atmosphere? Are your products visible and appealing to the customer? Are you priced right? Can you navigate your site with ease and comfort, much like a person walking through your shop looking for just what they need?

Never forget the best site in the world, isn't worth a darn if you can't find it. Much along the lines when a real estate person says "it's location, location, location" we have all heard that phrase haven't we? So be sure you understand how search engine optimizations works. This is crucial and well worth the time it takes to understand the basics. You need to make friends with search engine spiders, have them over often and always aim to please. Good keywords target your market. Learn how to effectively use keywords to your benefit in your on going quest regarding network marketing.

As you begin to develop your web site offer valuable content, make sure you keep lots of spider food handy within your site, after all these little guys will bring all the traffic you need, if you treat them right. Content sprinkled with good keywords is what makes all the difference in the world. Tell people the benefits of why they need to do business with you, share your passion, be real and personable, meaning you are a real person, enclose your picture and contact information. To me it is like greeting customers and guests at your front door.

Be simple, to the point and again share your smile, let it warm up the dark, cold place called the Internet! Best of luck with all your network marketing endeavors. Oh yeah, stop by and learn more about how I personally work with a team of like minded entrepreneurs, as together we are learning countless aspects of network marketing under the guidance of today's cutting edge top professional leaders.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz