Monday, October 27, 2008

 ACT Energy Drink Leads

Do the ACT Energy Drinks Support and Promote Healthy Weight Loss?

Yes the ACT Energy Drink Healthy Energy Drinks contain a Proprietary Energy Blend designed to speed up your own Metabolism with Natural and Whole Food Ingredients such as: Guarana, Green Tea, Panax Ginseng, and Maca Root.

Also the ACT Energy Drinks Contain Fibrosol 2, which is a Natural, Safe and Healthy source of Soluble Fiber which is known to Support and Promote Healthy Weight Loss.

The Drinks can be added to your Healthy Weight Loss Program which should include Sensible Diet and Exercise. Always be sure to check with your Health Care Professional before starting any Diet or Exercise Program.

Lets talk today about building a large sales organization with drinkACT ACT Energy Drink Leads Builders of this work at home opportunity have long said that the business is downright simple to put in front of a fresh prospect. And do not forget the price point $1.00 each is about as easy on the pocketbook as it gets! A drinkACT ACT Energy Drink Leads business is affordable and easy to show to others.

How about ACT Energy Drink leads? Ready to give them a call and share with them your ACT Energy Drink business? Do you think other business minded people will join you and do the very same thing as you?


Perhaps it is time to consider a different approach to building a business

1) Buy customers to give your business a solid foundation
2) Learn how to work with a successful team of like minded individuals

Work as part of a powerful team called The Network Marketing Paradigm Group. Together we work with a proven Sponsoring System unlike anything else ever before seen before. It is a simple plan of teamwork ultimately creating rock solid walk away incomes for all its members. No one is left behind.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Wednesday, October 22, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

Retailers are recognizing the market potential of ACT Energy Drink DrinkACT. This product has opened a huge distribution channel that normally is not available in network marketing. With ACT Energy Drink you are able to recruit entire, single retail locations well as home-based opportunity seekers. No other company gives you this opportunity! A.C.T. Energy Drink is also attracting individual bar/restaurant owners and many other single locations.

Why buy ACT Energy Drink leads for your DrinkACT business? I purchase customers already enjoying the benefits of superior products and service. Customers satisfied and happy! These customers cost $50.00 each. That is it! No spending a fortune trying to promote a product; countless hours and money with NO guarantee of success. Continually marketing, throwing away your hard earned money. Why not stop the insanity! Think smart, think savvy, think today! I invite you to join me and countless others that are tired of the OLD ways of doing business!

Work smart, work savvy, I work with a team of like minded individuals all dedicated and committed to the success of each and every member of the team.

You won't believe how quickly our organization exploded when we started incorporating these strategies. Now you have truly found leverage in network marketing.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

Don't duplicate your efforts when it comes to ACT Energy Drink leads. So what do you mean don't duplicate? That's crazy, why that's the MLM motto! It is the heart and soul of motivational speakers as they teach their down lines, duplicate, duplicate, duplicate!

Truth is that traditionally, 99 percent of network marketing organizations are built with nothing but distributors (sales people). Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they are all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example: When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67 percent of your organization and none of them are making money. If they don't start making money soon, they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers! They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together.

The truth is these network marketing organizations seem very promising to entrepreneurs who have huge down lines beneath them. ACT Energy Drink leads. In fact, many "top of the food chain" network marketers are ever seeking new opportunities in which to join with their group. It is almost like watching a massive school of fish swim through the vast open ocean feeding along the way. The eating is good, until a predator comes and diminishes the numbers down in size. It is those bottom of the "food chain dwellers" that are the first to be eaten in the frenzy of jumping from one multi level marketing company to the another. So why such a huge calling of dedicated down liners? Simple, it is the allure of getting in at just the right time, just the right place. Always hoping to gain the competitive edge over others within the group.

If you really want to know how to create a business that has a strong foundation, all you have do is think about the school of feeding fish...going from one business to another, when the food becomes scarce thus the entire school moves on to yet another deal! Always needing new ACT Energy Drink leads to add to the downline. Therefore, this is NOT how to create a business that has any kind of future.

There is a better way. How about a system and team effort. Not with email but with Google white hat top organic (not pay per click either) search engine rankings. Everyone is delegated to help. The total team effort is building the down line and very quickly. This unique business model is not dependent on distributors alone. The secret to success, lies in the fact it is based on real customers acquired from television and radio infomercials, not from buying worthless leads, as this only benefits those selling the leads.

What if every distributor had 100 of these real customers? "What if those customers loved the product and didn't care about earning nor were involved in making money?" I think you can see the advantage this represents!

This is exactly what we are doing as members of Network Marketing Paradigm Group, we are breaking records in our growth! It is a business model based on delegation for which all benefit from the efforts as a team!

I invite you to see for yourself why "Duplication doesn't work - Delegation does"

A dramatically different approach to network marketing, where no one gets left behind!

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Technology and Business Profitability

Not making proper use of technology which could save time, effort and impact Business Profitability?

As a business owner, you have to look at ways to improve your Business Profitability. You have a fixed amount of time and energy within which you must maximize your profits.

Technology can help you do this in the form of autoresponders, voicemail, wireless internet connections, speech recognition software, SMS from your computer and so on. All of these tools are widely available to us, and are designed to save time and effort. If implemented correctly they will definitely increase your Business Profitability.

Each of us as business owners needs to continually look for ways to make our business processes more efficient by using inexpensive technology.

Often the problem is that we don't know what we don't know. Some wonderful tool might be available but we don't know it exists. For example have you thought about buying customers to increase your Business Profitability?

For more information on increasing your Business Profitability by buying customers click here

Jerry Snyder SEO Consultant
Network Marketing Paradigm Group
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Talk About Weight Loss

 How to Create an Online Business - Don't Duplicate

So what do you mean don't duplicate? That's crazy, why that's the MLM motto! It is the heart and soul of motivational speakers as they teach their down lines, duplicate, duplicate, duplicate! Well this may be true for some network marketing online business opportunities, but definitely not for all!

Traditionally, 99 percent of network marketing organizations are built with nothing but distributors (sales people). Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they are all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example: When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67 percent of your organization and none of them are making money. If they don't start making money soon, they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers! They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together.

This is a very real concern when you are looking into how to create an online business. Because the truth is these network marketing organizations seem very promising to entrepreneurs who have huge down lines beneath them. In fact, many "top of the food chain" network marketers are ever seeking new opportunities in which to join with their group. It is almost like watching a massive school of fish swim through the vast open ocean feeding along the way. The eating is good, until a predator comes and diminishes the numbers down in size. It is those bottom of the "food chain dwellers" that are the first to be eaten in the frenzy of jumping from one multi level marketing company to the another. So why such a huge calling of dedicated down liners? Simple, it is the allure of getting in at just the right time, just the right place. Always hoping to gain the competitive edge over others within the group.

If you really want to know how to create an online business that has a strong foundation, all you have do is think about the school of feeding fish...going from one business to another, when the food becomes scarce thus the entire school moves on to yet another deal! Therefore, this is NOT how to create an online business that has any kind of future.

There is a better way. How about a system and team effort. Not with email but with Google white hat top organic (not pay per click either) search engine rankings. Everyone is delegated to help. The total team effort is building the down line and very quickly. This unique business model is not dependent on distributors alone. The secret to success, lies in the fact it is based on real customers acquired from television and radio infomercials, not from buying worthless leads, as this only benefits those selling the leads.

What if every distributor had 100 of these real customers? "What if those customers loved the product and didn't care about earning nor were involved in making money?" I think you can see the advantage this represents!

This is exactly what we are doing as members of Network Marketing Paradigm Group, we are breaking records in our growth! It is a business model based on delegation for which all benefit from the efforts as a team!

I invite you to see for yourself why "Duplication doesn't work - Delegation does"

A dramatically different approach to network marketing, where no one gets left behind!

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Wednesday, October 15, 2008

  ACT Energy Drink Leads

Stop the insanity of buying ACT Energy Drink Leads for your DrinkACT business. There is a better way. We have a system and team effort streaming new distributors into our business model. Not with email but with Google white hat top organic (not pay per click either) search engine rankings. Everyone is delegated to help. The total team effort is building the down line and very quickly. But we are not dependent on distributors alone. We also have real customers!

What if every distributor had 100 real customers? What if those customers loved the product and didn't care about earning nor were involved in making money? What if instead of buying leads (Like 99 percent of the MLMs will tell you to do) you could just buy customers instead? I think you can see the advantage this represents. Would you still need to purchase ACT Energy Drink Leads?

99 percent of network marketing organizations are built with nothing but distributors (sales people). Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they're all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example: When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67% of your organization and none of them are making money. If they don't start making money soon, they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers! They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together. No longer do you need to rely on finding ACT Energy Drink Leads!

This is how a concrete, successful business model is history making. This business model is breaking records in growth. The best news is that no one is left behind...It is all for one...and one for all.

It is about time to make a change for the better. Stop the insanity. Join a group of like minded individuals all dedicated to the ultimate success of the team.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



 Network Marketing Paraidgm Group - How to Create an Online Business

There is a better way. We have a system and team effort streaming new distributors into our system. Not with email but with Google white hat top organic (not pay per click either) search engine rankings. Everyone is delegated to help. The total team effort is building the down line and very quickly. But we are not dependent on distributors alone. We also have real customers! You have found the right way in how to create an online business.

What if every distributor had 100 real customers? What if those customers loved the product and didn't care about earning nor were involved in making money? What if instead of buying leads (Like 99 percent of the MLMs will tell you to do) you could just buy customers instead? I think you can see the advantage this represents.

99 percent of network marketing organizations are built with nothing but distributors (sales people). Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they're all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example: When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67% of your organization and none of them are making money. If they don't start making money soon, they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers! They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together.

This is how to create an online business that is history making. This business model is breaking records in growth. The best news is that no one is left behind...It is all for one...and one for all.

It is about time to make a change for the better. Stop the insanity. Join a group of like minded individuals all dedicated to the ultimate success of the team.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz