Monday, October 13, 2008

How to Create an Online Business - What are affiliate Programs?

O.k. you took the bait and you are reading my article, for the sake of those that do not know what an affiliate program is here goes.... it is a form of advertising that rewards you (the business affiliate) for delivering potential customers to the advertiser's company. You are then eligible to receive a commission every time a sale is made. Sounds easy and most profitable doesn't it?

Well the truth is your responsibility is to promote the products and/or services of the advertiser. If you can develop and implement good marketing techniques, the income potential is very good. If you are looking to learn how to create an online business, this concept is worth researching.

Do I still have your attention? Well, the next step is the all important task of finding a good, honest program to fit your needs, likes and desires. Which can be quite a job, but the rewards are so worth it! I would strongly suggest you do a Google search for affiliate programs, and you will be overwhelmed instantly. Every singles program promises you the moon, has the best product(s) and/or service. Searching for just the right affiliate program is like shopping at the local mall the last weekend before Christmas! It is insane! You will go crazy unless you know just what you are looking for. A guideline of sorts.

To be effective in how to create an online business using an affiliate program as a means to your success, you first need to identify what kind of product and or service appeals to you personally. It can be difficult for someone into health and fitness to promote products that are not so healthy. You need to be a product of the product! This is really important to do this!

Next once you have established a good product and/or service you need to search the field with even finer toothed comb. Next you need to evaluate the cost of entering the program. What do you get for entry fee? This is yet another very important step to understanding what you are about to involve yourself with. Ask yourself, will other potential business affiliates see the value also?

You need to have a good idea about the compensation plan, is it a plan you can make money with? In your voyage of how to create an online business you need to know the facts as much as possible. What are company policies and procedures? Is this a reliable company to do business with? How long have they been in business? Do your research ask to speak to other affiliate to see if they are happy with the comp plan, are they being paid when promised?

How many ways can you make money with this company. It is important to have many forms of income available in your search in how to create an online business. Or why are you in business at all? You are wasting your time, unless you know all the ways to make money with a company. Be smart and do your research!

What are your marketing tools? What resources does the company offer if any? A good company will offer you many free highly professional tools so that you have the best advantage possible. It only makes sense! You succeed, then so does the company.

Is the company available to assist you when you need help? Is there a well staffed affiliate business center ready to answer any and all questions you might have? Does the company treat you like one of them, offering the personal touch of genuine care and concern for your success. Does the company provide continual training, offering cutting edge marketing tools to compete in today's ever growing market place? These are just some of the many questions you need to ask. All vital information in your research in how to create an online business.

What is it going to cost you to do business? What will you need to spend monthly on a qualifying order to receive commissions? Will you be spending far more than you ever hope to earn? Will you need to purchase leads in order build your business? Does the company require that you use a certain company or program in order to find leads or do they teach you how to find them yourself? What about marketing materials? What will that cost you?

As always do your due diligence in knowing what you are about to involve yourself is so important! Why would you risk your good name and reputation on something that wasn't a good deal!

Stop by and learn more about how I personally work with a team of like minded entrepreneurs, as together we are learning countless aspects of network marketing under the guidance of today's cutting edge top professional leaders.

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz