Sunday, October 12, 2008

How to Create An Online Business is all in the Why!

How many times have you seen your favorite car, truck or motorcycle go down the road, thus leaving you wanting one too? Or perhaps it is driving by the home of your dreams and wishing you had one just like it. Obviously, these desires aren't that uncommon, thus "Keeping up with the Jones" was born. The desire to have what others have, we all want more in life....But are you willing to do what it takes to achieve your inner most hopes and desires? To make your dreams reality?

The truth is a home based business can be just that vehicle to success. Why! It's simple - the possibilities are endless! Your JOB (just above broke) will only drive you so far down the road, you need something extra to reach the finish line. Now comes the "fifty four dollar" question? How to create an online business? This pivotal question, and always a good one, comes with very few solid answers that produce positive results. Why is this so?

Easy, because many people get the cart before the horse. The question really should be asked like this, Why do I want to create an online business? Now you asked the right question, therefore you will receive the right answer, with no hype, no lies, only truth will prevail!

The "Why" is all about goals and motivation, this is key to any business. You can learn all about the "how" all day long which are the strategies and tactics. All of which are important in how to create an online business, you do need to under this aspect.

It is when you discover the power behind your "why", suddenly, you have taken out all the barriers to being successful. You have heard the adage "businesses don't fail, people do" thus you understand how important it is to know WHY you are building a business. It is the fire in your belly that is the driving force, no one can discourage you, no one can stop you if your mind set is to succeed.

Before you set your goals, create a business plan, decide on the right kind of business to build, or anything else. First ask yourself WHY am I doing this? When you answer this question with conviction, determination, and perseverance. You are ready to ask the question how to create an online business. You will never be disappointed, never discouraged, you know your heart, you know your reasons to begin your voyage down the path to financial success in any business you chose!

Here is to your success,

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz