Saturday, August 16, 2008

 ACT Energy Drink Leads

Would you buy an expensive car without test driving it? Cars and leads lists have something in common as the only way you will know if a leads source is a quality lists is to test-drive the list. There can be many reasons for FAILURE in your business, but finding a good source of ACT Energy Drink leads does have to be the reason.

Most list vendors price their leads too high when you consider that most direct mail experts suggest using a minimum quantity of 500 - 1,000 names to test a list or to begin a marketing campaign. Who wants to buy a lot of high priced names and throw their money away on an unknown? And if you do not use enough names, your results may be less than satisfactory, even with a good list. It is a classic catch-22 situation.

The bottom line you need ACT Energy Drink RESPONDENT Leads, leads have requested business or income opportunity information. Opt-in MLM lists and other recommended lead solutions offer a better way to market your product or program. Another option is TARGETED MLM Lists To be successful in the shortest amount of time, you will want to contact the right type of prospect. You want TARGETED leads MLM lists of opportunity seekers who have expressed an interest in making money, extra income offers or home-business opportunities. Exclusive MLM leads are not sold to others in the same MLM programs. This helps to insure that your mailer or telephone call will NOT offer the same program to the same prospect. However, the cost of these EXCLUSIVE can be way over budget. These are very pricey leads. Not always just what you thought you were buying, meaning, these types of high end leads may have been contacted prior to your purchase of the lead.

It is a science and an art to understand the various LEVELS of leads you can purchase. It is not alone trying to understand the logistics of these various types of leads, but where to buy them and from whom. It is very important to do your due diligence in researching companies that sell you any leads, after all you are in the market to purchase ACT Energy Drink leads to grow your business, not just to line the pockets of the leads company.

I do not mean to be brutal or discredit any business endeavor you are personally involved with that has brought you to do a search on Google for ACT Energy Drink Leads. I just know, I personally do not buy leads at all. Been there done that. Buying leads is a total waste of your time. Why try and build a business buying leads?

Perhaps it is time to consider a different approach to building a business

1) Buy customers to give your business a solid foundation
2) Learn how to work with a successful team of like minded individuals

Work as part of a powerful team called The Ultimate Team. Together we work with a proven Ultimate Sponsoring System unlike anything else ever before seen before. It is a simple plan of Ultimate Teamwork ultimately creating rock solid walk away incomes for all its members. No one is left behind.

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz