Friday, July 18, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

Every cell in your body depends on energy to perform critical functions. Most people eat foods high in calories and low in nutrients, curtailing the cell's ability to perform. ACT Energy Drink targets specific metabolic pathways to create optimal balance and performance at the cellular level. Nutrients abound in plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables. ACT Energy Drinks combine specialized crystalline extracts from these various natural sources with a proprietary blend of ingredients to produce positive results. Have both ENERGY and NUTRIENTS working together for you, as advanced science and nature are united in every serving of ACT Energy Drink.

Other Ingredients Maltodextrin, Crystalline Fructose, Potassium Citrate, Citric Acid, Sodium chloride, Niacinamide, Pyridoxine hcl, Cyanocobalamin and Natural Flavor.

DrinkACTEnergy Drink targets metabolic pathways to create optimal balance and performance at the cellular level. Every cell in your body depends on energy to perform the function of that cell. Most people eat foods high in calories and low in nutrients... the very nutrients that your cells need to perform their functions.

ACT Energy Drink is a web-based energy drink company founded in June 2005 by Paul Gravette and Mark McKnight. Combining experience and a proven track record with direct marketing, Paul Gravette developed the DrinkACT concept to combine the power and technology of the Internet with an intense and proven word-of-mouth marketing strategy

Are you ready to build your ACT Energy drink business. How about some ACT Energy Drink leads to talk too? Vital to your business in order for continual growth, thus bringing in long term income for you and your family.

You need ACT Energy Drink Leads in order to find prospects. Will you develop your ACT Energy Drink leads using a website? The company does offer sites for your success. Or will you go to an ACT Energy Drink resource for leads are fresh, responsive, and definitely interested in pursuing a Home Based Business.

ACT Energy leads need to provide you the lead consumer with the most up to date real time information in order to increase your conversion rates tremendously by targeting the exact prospect that fits your profile.

Now you will need to get on the phone and tell people what you have found. Try and explain the power of this business and how they are going to make so much money. Do you honestly know enough people that will honestly make a huge effort to do just like you? Taking the time to find quality ACT Energy Drink leads, then developing them into a business partner with you. Do you still believe in the traditional methods of MLM to build a rock solid walk away income? If still believe a successful business model is based on distributors buying product just like you. These distributors will do just like you over and over and over again.

This is old school marketing....and this old way of thinking isn’t profitable....

If you are truly ready to experience Ultimate success in a business. I invite you to one of our free presentations on how we together building long term walk way income in record time as we work together as a team. The Ultimate Team! See how the Ultimate Sponsoring program has truly changed the face of how a successful business is built.

Sound good to you?

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz