Friday, July 11, 2008

The Ultimate Team
Ultimate Plan

Okay, you've finally had it at your nine to five (JOB) AKA Just above broke. Your boss isn't seeing eye-to-eye with you lately, they're pushing you to do more than you can reasonably do in eight hours and you're tired of having to put up with the whole mess. Not to mention all of the office politics, sick of all the gossip and everything else that goes on at work.

Then there is the small matter of finding a way to pay for a tank of gas to get there on a daily basis. I don’t know about you but gas here in California is hovering around $4.40 a gallon. Coupled with vehicle maintenance, buying clothing to keep up the look, heck we are just getting started here. Anyone that works outside the home surely can relate with what I am saying here. It is simply tough to make all ends meet from a financial standpoint, not to mention what you have to put up while at work.

So you are ready to start working for yourself, but how do you conduct a work from home search? Are you frustrated yet? It is a fact that work from home jobs are much more difficult to come by than are work from home business opportunities. Now you are really getting confused as to what to do. What do I look for in a work from home business opportunity? You need the ultimate team.

There are many different opportunities in network marketing and many different ways to sell them. The most important thing you can do is find something that you are passionate about, something that you get excited about and that personally interests you for starters. What we do can be very tedious at times, if we are not enjoying what we are marketing, it becomes difficult to write about, talk about, or stay self motivated.

It is something, unlike a 9 to 5 job, that doesn't pay when you start out. You must leverage your time in order to gain income in the future. So choosing what excites you instead of how much it pays is very important. Trust me, if you put in the time, you will see an income. You need the ultimate team.

Ask yourself these questions when considering an opportunity.

Can I see myself talking about this in a positive manner for years to come?
Can I imagine myself walking into someone's office and present this as an opportunity that can grow their business and make them money?

Is my motivation with this opportunity to build a steady income or to get rich quick regardless of the consequences?

Is it something that I can sell outside of the internet if given the opportunity?

What kind of company am I aligning myself with?

If you are considering an opportunity, do your homework in regards to the reputation of the company you are considering investing in. Once you opt in, you become the face of that company to your customers and prospects. It's your reputation that is on the line not theirs. If you don't choose wisely, you can destroy your internet business in a heart beat representing something that over promises and under delivers.

The bottom line is you need to find a company to be part of that is rock solid, no debt, holds a strong reputation in the market place. Couple that with a group of like minded individuals all dedicated to the success of each and every one of its members.

Sound good to you? Then take a look at The Ultimate Team

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz