Wednesday, July 9, 2008

 Ultimate Team

Selling is an art, without a doubt. Perhaps even a sport. It takes energy, guts, brains and a bit of panache to barge into people’s work days and win them over. It helps, of course, if they are already looking for your service or product.

A properly built list of leads is more than basic demographics and phone number. A sales leads list is a tool for turning strangers into acquaintances and, if not personal friends, at least into loyal and regular customers.

It is difficult to purchase premium leads that have not already been called thousands of times by every other opportunity affiliate. Especially today with the Internet as the source of find these leads. These leads are very pricey, and really you have no true guarantee that no one else has contacted them first. It is a high price to pay and an even bigger gamble on your part.

Least we not forget that even when you do find a quality lead, you need to be able to share the opportunity with that prospect, with enlightened enthusiasm, prudence to be able to help your prospect see the vision as you do. Then you must be dedicated to follow through until the close of the deal.

How about a better way! Join the Ultimate Team

What works is ultimate teamwork, coupled with a prestigious marketing system equals success. The Ultimate Team is a combined effort bringing in new affiliates into the system. This method of finding affiliates is not done with spam email, but with white hat top organic search engine ranking. This method of top ranking is done with delegation not duplication. Together, The Ultimate Team works in unison, building the down line and very quickly within the team. We are not dependent on distributors alone, we also have real customers, enjoying outstanding products and service.

If you too would like to learn about Ultimate teamwork and synergy as one. Together building a business that will last a lifetime! Then you need to take a look and see for yourself...

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz